Fabrication of Silicon Microsystems with Piezo-resistive Feedback

Microsystems deal with the miniature mechanical mechanisms with embedded electronic elements fabricated by technologies similar to microelectronics. The synergy between fabrication technology and design will be demonstrated on various devices with piezo-resistive feedback.  Based on device specifications this course addresses the whole development cycle, incl. selection of materials and exploitable technology, as well as the design of different functional elements.  The impact of different process steps and design parameters on microsystems’ performance is illustrated, emphasising the options for technology or layout modifications. Examples of specific applications of cantilevers and in-plane moveable flexure mechanisms are in-depth analysed.

COURSE TITLEFabrication of Silicon Microsystems with Piezo-resistive Feedback
COURSE WEB https://moodle-tus.ecovem.eu/
ACCESS INFORMATIONSelf-registration. Previously students must create an account in the Moodle platform
PROVIDER INSTITUTIONTechnical University of Sofia (TUS), AMG Technology and MASHO
PROVIDER CONTACTname: Prof. Slavka Tzanova
email: Slavka.tzanova@tu-sofia.bg
TEACHERST1- Vladimir Stavrov
TYPE OF COURSE☒  On-line (stand-alone) ☒ On-site training
DATES AVAILABILITY☒  365 days accessible ☒  Other (specify): work-based training in the company on days defined by AMG Technology
WORKLOAD STUDENT (in hours) 120 hours
TYPE OF TRAINING☒  Initial VET ☒  Continuous VET ☒  Work-based training
EQF LEVELS☒  EQF 5             ☒  EQF 6  ☒  EQF 7            
LANGUAGES☒  English ☒  Others (specify): Bulgarian
MAIN SUBJECT☒  Design and manufacture of PCB ☒  Integrated circuits design ☒  System design  ☒  Fundamentals of microelectronics manufacturing  
COURSE DESCRIPTIONMicrosystems deal with the miniature mechanical mechanisms with embedded electronic elements fabricated by technologies similar to microelectronics. The synergy between fabrication technology and design will be demonstrated on various devices with piezo-resistive feedback.  Based on device specifications this course addresses the whole development cycle, incl. selection of materials and exploitable technology, as well as the design of different functional elements.  The impact of different process steps and design parameters on microsystems’ performance is illustrated, emphasising the options for technology or layout modifications. Examples of specific applications of cantilevers and in-plane moveable flexure mechanisms are in-depth analysed.
KEYWORDSK1- Microsystems
K2- Piezoelectric effect
K3- Sensors and actuators
LEARNING OBJECTIVESLO1-  Technological processes for microsystem fabrication
LO2- Piezo-electric effect and its application in sensors and actuators
LO3- Materials for microelectronics convenient for microsystems with piezoelectric devices
LO4- Microsystems’ design rules
LO5- Microsystems fabrication processes
LO6- Measurement and tests of microsystems
PREREQUISITESMicrosystems’ related fundamentals of:
P1- Material science
P2- Microelectronics technologies
P3- Methods for control and analyses of fabrication processes
P4- Basic knowledge for compliant mechanisms

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