Manufacturing standard silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells: Theory and technological responses

 As solar photovoltaic (PV) energy will become one of main sources in the decarbonized World energy mix of next mid-century, the industrial production of PV cells should experience a tremendous growth within the next years, with part of the production being re-located in Europe. In this context, highly skilled profiles in PV are of great interest for the industrial and research sectors. This course gives in-depth knowledge of the entire industrial production chain of PV cells, from the raw material to the PV cell. It allows understanding the theory of each fabrication step of standard silicon PV cells (PERC cell) as well as the corresponding industrial processes optimized to find the balance between high efficiency and low cost. It gives also an overview of the different innovative silicon PV cell architectures as well as the future research routes for the development of large-scale PV. Cutting-edge trends in PV will be further highlighted by CEA-INES research laboratories tours showing the latest technological innovations developed on industrial-scale state-of-the-art equipment.

COURSE TITLEManufacturing standard silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells: Theory and technological responses
COURSE WEBECoVEM – Programme ERASMUS+ | INES – Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire (
ACCESS INFORMATIONOn-site training. Custom-made module-based program (can be combined with courses 6.1 and 6.3). Trainees must contact INES training department through course web link in order to define the program according to their skills, needs and time availability.
TYPE OF COURSE☒ On-site training ☒ CEA-INES research laboratories tour
                              + INES-PFE pedagogical platform tour
DATES AVAILABILITY☒  according to trainers’ availabilities and trainees’ demand
WORKLOAD STUDENT 14 to 21 (according to desired technical level)
EQF LEVELS☒  EQF 6          ☒  EQF 7           ☒  EQF 8        
LANGUAGES☒  English ☒  French
MAIN SUBJECT☒  Microelectronics for a greener economy
COURSE DESCRIPTIONSolar photovoltaic (PV) energy will become in a mid-term scale one of the World main energy sources while industrial production shall come back to Europe in a short-term scale. In this context and in order to integrate this sector at the cutting edge of technology, it is important to have an expert knowledge on Energy, electricity and photovoltaic markets, while understanding the basics of PV cell and module science, technologies and fabrication process.
KEYWORDSKW1- Photovoltaics
KW2- Microelectronics for photovoltaic applications
KW3- Industrial manufacturing
LEARNING OBJECTIVESLO1- Comprehend the photovoltaic principle in details, as well as the physical and technological limitations of PV technology
LO2- Understand the different PV cell architectures and their potential and limitations to increase PV cell efficiency, focusing on the cutting-edge trends and technological innovations in PV
LO3- Apprehend the microelectronic principles and tools used for the optimization of the fabrication of standard and advanced PV cells
PREREQUISITESP1- Basics in electricity
P2- Basics in microelectronics
P3- Basics in physics of materials

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