PVTRIN   Training and certification scheme for technicians

This accredited course equips participants with the latest knowledge on how to install, maintain and repair a wide range of solar photovoltaic equipment & understand the theory behind solar power.

Participants will develop their skills and understanding of basic solar and electrical theory, systems components, design, installation, commissioning and troubleshooting of a small scale PV system .  The training course consists of two parts, the theoretical and practical . The first part ( theoretical)  describes the underpinning knowledge that is required to understand the theory behind PV systems, related regulations, safety requirements, design parameters, installation and testing; to be delivered with a   face-to-face (classroom lecturers), discussion,videos etc. The second part (practical training) provides the trainees with all the practical skills in carrying out  a complete installation and testing.

COURSE TITLEPVTRIN   Training and certification scheme for technicians
PROVIDER CONTACTname: name:  Andreas Polydorou email: apolydorou@kepa.mlsi.gov.cy
TEACHERST1-Kyriakos Kyriakou
TYPE OF COURSE Work-based training
On-site training
DATES EXPECTED OPENING14/2/2023-4/4/2023
DATES AVAILABILITY  Other (specify): According to trainers’ availabilities and trainees’ demand
WORKLOAD STUDENT (in hours)·       ·      42 hours of classroom training (lecturers, group discussion, case studies, exercises)
·     13 hours hand-on training (lab, onsite)
·     3 hours site visit to a PV park
·     (1,5 hours per candidate for assessment )
·     125 hours self-study
EQF LEVELS☒  EQF 5         
LANGUAGES☒  English ☒  Greek
MAIN SUBJECT☒  Microelectronics for a greener economy
COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis accredited course equips participants with the latest knowledge on how to install, maintain and repair a wide range of solar photovoltaic equipment & understand the theory behind solar power.
Participants will develop their skills and understanding of basic solar and electrical theory, systems components, design, installation, commissioning and troubleshooting of a small scale PV system .
 The training course consists of two parts, the theoretical and practical . The first part ( theoretical)  describes the underpinning knowledge that is required to understand the theory behind PV systems, related regulations, safety requirements, design parameters, installation and testing; to be delivered with a   face-to-face (classroom lecturers), discussion,videos etc. The second part (practical training) provides the trainees with all the practical skills in carrying out  a complete installation and testing.
KEYWORDSKW1-  Solar energy,
KW2- PV systems and PV technology,
KW3-  Design, simulation and software,
KW4- Standards and EU regulations,
KW5- Net metering,
KW6- inverters, modules, panels,
KW7- BAPV, BIPV ( buiding applied and integrated photovoltaics)
LEARNING OBJECTIVESLO1-  EU and national RES Regulations and standards,
LO2–  fundamentals and basic principles,
LO3 – basic design principles,
LO4 BAPV and BIPV (Adapted and integrated to bldgs),
LO5 – installation sitework,
LO6 – case studies-best practices,
LO7 – measurement/commisioning,
LO8 – maintenance and troubleshooting,
LO9- quality management and customer service,
LO10- visit to a PV Park.
PREREQUISITES P1 Graduate of technical school  (electrical section) with three  (3) years of experience in domestic electrical installations,
P2 – Diplôma or dégréé in electrical or mechanical engineering with at least two years of expérience in related electrical works.
P3- Licemnced electricians of the EMS Dept
P4-  Contractors of elctrical installations up to150 KVA
P5 –  Senior Electrical Technicians or Electrical Engineers (enrolled in the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber ‐ ΕΤΕΚ

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