SEMI Standards Educational Series for E10 and E79

SEMI E10 and SEMI E79 are the two most widely used equipment performance metrics Specification Standards in the semiconductor and other related high-tech areas. SEMI E10 provides the methodologies needed for measuring and evaluating equipment reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) and utilization performance. SEMI E79 provides the methodologies needed for measuring and evaluating the productivity of equipment, using metrics such as overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and throughput. These Standards play a critical role in the everyday operations in manufacturing facilities, such as wafer fabs, around the world. In response to many questions on how to correctly apply SEMI E10 and E79, the SEMI Standards Equipment Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Productivity (RAMP) Task Force released this free webinar which serves to enhance the application and correct usage of the current SEMI E10 and E79 Standards.

COURSE TITLESEMI Standards Educational Series for E10 and E79
PROVIDER CONTACTname: Laura Nguyen, Paul Trio email:,
TEACHERST1- David Bouldin
T2- David Busing
T3- Steven J Meyer
TYPE OF COURSE☒  On-line (stand-alone)
DATES AVAILABILITY☒  365 days accessible
WORKLOAD STUDENT (in hours)~4 hours
TYPE OF TRAINING☒  Work-based training
EQF LEVELS☒  EQF 3       
MAIN SUBJECT☒   Fundamentals of microelectronics manufacturing
COURSE DESCRIPTIONSEMI E10 and SEMI E79 are the two most widely used equipment performance metrics Specification Standards in the semiconductor and other related high-tech areas. SEMI E10 provides the methodologies needed for measuring and evaluating equipment reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) and utilization performance. SEMI E79 provides the methodologies needed for measuring and evaluating the productivity of equipment, using metrics such as overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and throughput. These Standards play a critical role in the everyday operations in manufacturing facilities, such as wafer fabs, around the world.
In response to many questions on how to correctly apply SEMI E10 and E79, the SEMI Standards Equipment Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Productivity (RAMP) Task Force released this free webinar which serves to enhance the application and correct usage of the current SEMI E10 and E79 Standards.
KEYWORDSKW1- standards
KW2- E10
KW3- E79
KW4 – equipment productivity
KW5 – equipment metrics
KW6 – equipment reliability
KW7 – equipment availability
KW8 – equipment maintainability
KW9 – equipment efficiency
KW10 – metrics
KW11 – factory automation
KW12 – SEMI Standards
LEARNING OBJECTIVESThis webinar serves to enhance the application and correct usage of the current SEMI E10 and E79 Standards.

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