Smart Industry and Circular Economy

This course allows the introduction of the student inside the world of the Circular Economy in relation with the activities related to the Smart Industry, Connected Industry or Industry 4.0, Energy efficiency and sustainability.

Smart Industry is defined as well as the enable technologies where is based (Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Digital Twins, among others) and presenting the issues of mobility in large cities and solutions regarding a more personal use of the technology oriented to the people (Industry 5.0).

The course included several related concepts and techniques of the Circular Economy including a short foundation of linear economy and their disadvantages on future and sustainability as well as proposal on the energy saving, recycling and reuse of materials and products to reduce our impact on the environment. The course finishes with the presentation of the Energy efficiency synergy with the Circular Economy as one of the sectors more demanding on materials and components.

COURSE TITLESmart Industry and Circular Economy
ACCESS INFORMATIONSelf-registration. Previously students must create an account in the Moodle platform
PROVIDER CONTACTname: Felix Garcia-Loro email:
TEACHERST1- Manuel Castro
T2- Felix Garcia-Loro
T3- Elio SanCristobal
T4- Rosario Gil
TYPE OF COURSE☒ On-line (stand-alone) ☒ On-line (tutored)
DATES EXPECTED OPENINGSeptember 15th, 2023
DATES AVAILABILITY☒  365 days accessible
ECVET points2
EQF LEVELS ☒  EQF 4           ☒  EQF 5           ☒  EQF 6    
MAIN SUBJECT☒  Microelectronics for a greener economy ☒  Key competences and skills
COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course allows the introduction of the student inside the world of the Circular Economy in relation with the activities related to the Smart Industry, Connected Industry or Industry 4.0, Energy efficiency and sustainability. Smart Industry is defined as well as the enable technologies where is based (Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Digital Twins, among others) and presenting the issues of mobility in large cities and solutions regarding a more personal use of the technology oriented to the people (Industry 5.0). The course included several related concepts and techniques of the Circular Economy including a short foundation of linear economy and their disadvantages on future and sustainability as well as proposal on the energy saving, recycling and reuse of materials and products to reduce our impact on the environment. The course finishes with the presentation of the Energy efficiency synergy with the Circular Economy as one of the sectors more demanding on materials and components.
KEYWORDSKW1- Circular Economy
KW2- Smart Industry
KW3- Industry 4.0
KW4- Enable technologies
KW5- Sustainability
LEARNING OBJECTIVESLO1- being able to describe the relation and synergy between Circular Economy and I4.0
LO2- being able to explain the concept and technologies of smart industry
LO3- understand the technologies where I4.0 is based on
LO4- apply the principles of sustainability in every day aspects related to energy and technology
LO5- being able to identify the difference of cities, smart cities, and personal cities
LO6- connect related activities with circular economy
LO7- connect energy efficiency and sustainability wit circular economy

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