C++ for Automotive Electronics
This work-based course is teaching embedded C++, C++ advanced techniques and their use in Bosch applications for automotive electronics programming. COURSE TITLE C++ for Automotive Electronics COURSE PLATFORM Work-based COURSE WEB https://www.bosch.bg/our-company/bosch-in-bulgaria/ecs/ ACCESS INFORMATION Hybrid: at TUS and in company training PROVIDER INSTITUTION Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and Bosch ECS PROVIDER CONTACT name: Prof. Slavka […]
Embedded Systems for Automotive Industry
This work-based course is teaching embedded system design and their use in Bosch applications for automotive electronics. COURSE TITLE Embedded Systems for Automotive Industry COURSE PLATFORM Work-based COURSE WEB https://www.bosch.bg/our-company/bosch-in-bulgaria/ecs/ ACCESS INFORMATION Hybrid: at TUS and in company training PROVIDER INSTITUTION Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and Bosch ECS PROVIDER CONTACT name: Prof. Slavka Tzanova email: Slavka.tzanova@tu-sofia.bg […]
Foundations and Simulations on FPGAs
This course allows the introduction of the student inside the world of digital systems design with FPGAs, covering a wide range of topics related to digital systems design with FPGAs, including: the explanation of the architecture of these devices, simulations tools, the design with FPGAs, the use of commercial tools and several practical applications among […]
Bridge the Gap: Photovoltaic Systems
Photovoltaic effect was known since early years of XX century, but Photovoltaic technology was only used as a last option and only for remote projects such as satellites where no other source or energy was available. During last decade of XXth century and thanks to the continuously decreasing price of PV panels, photovoltaic systems were […]
Circuit Training with Analog Devices Alternating Current (CTAD-AC)
The course is a learning platform. This course brings the analog signal processing technology that Analog Devices has developed to the academic community in a way that is open and accessible to teachers and students to enrich students’ education of analog circuits. COURSE TITLE Circuit Training with Analog Devices Alternating Current (CTAD-AC) COURSE PLATFORM Moodle […]
FPGA Design and Fabrication
The aim of this course is the students to acquire proficiency with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and skills to creating prototypes or products for a wide variety of applications. Course covers whole process and steps needed to develop, design, simulate and program an FPGA chip. The modules, included in the course are introduction in […]
Fabrication of Silicon Microsystems with Piezo-resistive Feedback
Microsystems deal with the miniature mechanical mechanisms with embedded electronic elements fabricated by technologies similar to microelectronics. The synergy between fabrication technology and design will be demonstrated on various devices with piezo-resistive feedback. Based on device specifications this course addresses the whole development cycle, incl. selection of materials and exploitable technology, as well as the […]
Circuit Training with Analog Devices Direct Current (CTAD-DC)
The course is a learning platform. This course brings the analog signal processing technology that Analog Devices has developed to the academic community in a way that is open and accessible to teachers and students to enrich students’ education of analog circuits. COURSE TITLE Circuit Training with Analog Devices Direct Current (CTAD-DC) COURSE PLATFORM Moodle […]
Task-oriented simulation with OrCAD Pspice
Circuit simulation techniques are fundamental to the design and verification of today’s electronic systems. The field of circuit simulation has seen exciting development ever since the advent of integrated circuits. Modern integrated circuits continually challenge circuit simulation algorithms and implementations with the various verification problems they pose. This course presents the theoretical and practical aspects […]
Computer modelling and simulation in Analogue electronics
The aim of this training course is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for simulation and modeling of analog electronic circuits through SPICE simulator. The free Analog Devices LTSpice simulator is used to simulate the circuits. The Performance-centered approach is used to implement the course, and for each topic a task description is defined, […]