• C++ for Automotive Electronics

    C++ for Automotive Electronics

    This work-based course is teaching embedded C++, C++ advanced techniques and their use in Bosch applications for automotive electronics programming. COURSE TITLE C++ for Automotive Electronics COURSE PLATFORM  Work-based COURSE WEB https://www.bosch.bg/our-company/bosch-in-bulgaria/ecs/ ACCESS INFORMATION Hybrid: at TUS and in company training PROVIDER INSTITUTION Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and Bosch ECS PROVIDER CONTACT name: Prof. Slavka […]

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  • Embedded Systems for Automotive Industry

    Embedded Systems for Automotive Industry

    This work-based course is teaching embedded system design and their use in Bosch applications for automotive electronics. COURSE TITLE Embedded Systems for Automotive Industry COURSE PLATFORM  Work-based COURSE WEB https://www.bosch.bg/our-company/bosch-in-bulgaria/ecs/ ACCESS INFORMATION Hybrid: at TUS and in company training PROVIDER INSTITUTION Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and Bosch ECS PROVIDER CONTACT name: Prof. Slavka Tzanova email: Slavka.tzanova@tu-sofia.bg […]

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  • Test Engineering for Automotive Electronics

    Test Engineering for Automotive Electronics

    This work-based course is teaching embedded system design and their use in Bosch applications for automotive electronics. COURSE TITLE Test Engineering for Automotive Electronics COURSE PLATFORM  Work-based COURSE WEB https://www.bosch.bg/our-company/bosch-in-bulgaria/ecs/ ACCESS INFORMATION Hybrid: at TUS and in company training PROVIDER INSTITUTION Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and Bosch ECS PROVIDER CONTACT name: Prof. Slavka Tzanova email: Slavka.tzanova@tu-sofia.bg […]

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  • CMOS technology process

    CMOS technology process

    This work-based course is teaching the basic processes in microelectronics technology COURSE TITLE CMOS technology process COURSE PLATFORM  Work-based COURSE WEB https://www.bosch.bg/our-company/bosch-in-bulgaria/ecs/ ACCESS INFORMATION Hybrid: at TUS and in company training PROVIDER INSTITUTION Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and MELEXIS Bulgaria PROVIDER CONTACT name: Prof. Slavka Tzanova email: Slavka.tzanova@tu-sofia.bg TEACHERS T1- Prof. Slavka TzanovaT2 – Experts from […]

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  • FPGA Design and Fabrication

    FPGA Design and Fabrication

    The aim of this course is the students to acquire proficiency with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and skills to creating prototypes or products for a wide variety of applications. Course covers whole process and steps needed to develop, design, simulate and program an FPGA chip. The modules, included in the course are introduction in […]

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  • Fabrication of Silicon Microsystems with Piezo-resistive Feedback

    Fabrication of Silicon Microsystems with Piezo-resistive Feedback

    Microsystems deal with the miniature mechanical mechanisms with embedded electronic elements fabricated by technologies similar to microelectronics. The synergy between fabrication technology and design will be demonstrated on various devices with piezo-resistive feedback.  Based on device specifications this course addresses the whole development cycle, incl. selection of materials and exploitable technology, as well as the […]

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