On-line (stand-alone)

  • Foundations and Simulations on FPGAs

    Foundations and Simulations on FPGAs

    This course allows the introduction of the student inside the world of digital systems design with FPGAs, covering a wide range of topics related to digital systems design with FPGAs, including: the explanation of the architecture of these devices, simulations tools, the design with FPGAs, the use of commercial tools and several practical applications among […]

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  • Bridge the Gap: Photovoltaic Systems

    Bridge the Gap: Photovoltaic Systems

    Photovoltaic effect was known since early years of XX century, but Photovoltaic technology was only used as a last option and only for remote projects such as satellites where no other source or energy was available. During last decade of XXth century and thanks to the continuously decreasing price of PV panels, photovoltaic systems were […]

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  • Basics of microelectronics manufacturing processes

    Basics of microelectronics manufacturing processes

    The most relevant processes related to microelectronics technology are design and manufacturing. The entire process of creating a silicon wafer with working chips consists of thousands of steps and can take more than three months from design to production. The design process includes all aspects of microelectronics design, from the development of novel designs to […]

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  • SEMI Standards Educational Series for E10 and E79

    SEMI Standards Educational Series for E10 and E79

    SEMI E10 and SEMI E79 are the two most widely used equipment performance metrics Specification Standards in the semiconductor and other related high-tech areas. SEMI E10 provides the methodologies needed for measuring and evaluating equipment reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) and utilization performance. SEMI E79 provides the methodologies needed for measuring and evaluating the productivity […]

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  • Voltage Sag for Manufacturing Fabs Overview

    Voltage Sag for Manufacturing Fabs Overview

    SEMI F47, Specification for Semiconductor Processing Equipment Voltage Sag Immunity, widely adopted across the industry, is the governing standard that defines voltage sag test levels and requirements for semiconductor tools. Since the implementation of SEMI F47, the vulnerability of semiconductor manufacturing to single-phase and two-phase voltage sags has improved greatly. However, semiconductor manufacturers continue to […]

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  • Artificial Intelligence and Student Career Development

    Artificial Intelligence and Student Career Development

    The course is in the filed of continues VET and could be useful both for students or people willing to get additional qualification in initial career planning with respect of AI influence. The course will train the participants how to achieve high level of media literacy and communications; to understand labor market principles and career […]

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  • Entrepreneurship and validation of prior learning in electronics

    Entrepreneurship and validation of prior learning in electronics

    The course is in the field of continues VET and could useful both for students or people willing to get additional qualification in entrepreneurship, project management and validation of prior learning. The course will train the participants how to manage the ideas and projects in the field of electronics; how to setup an entity; how […]

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  • Microelectronics for Space applications

    Microelectronics for Space applications

    For systems engineers today, a good practical knowledge in electronics is inevitable to ensure good project interoperability. The course will cover important skills in electronics using a hands-on approach. In addition, specific space related aspects of electronics are covered. The module gives the student the basics of space communication and remote sensing with spacecraft. Several […]

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  • Presentation Skills, Pitching

    Presentation Skills, Pitching

    This course is designed to help students to develop the essential skills needed to deliver effective presentations with confidence and impact. Through a combination of interactive lectures, hands-on exercises, and practical feedback, you will learn how to plan, design, and deliver presentations that engage and persuade your audience. Throughout the course, you will have the […]

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  • Project Management

    Project Management

    This accredited course equips participants (students, graduates, unemployed young adults) with the latest knowledge on how the main global trends transform today’s workforce up until 2030, and the skills workers will have to acquire to adapt, as well as to provide an overview of effective employability skills teaching and learning models. One of the main […]

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