Test Engineering for Automotive Electronics

This work-based course is teaching embedded system design and their use in Bosch applications for automotive electronics.

COURSE TITLETest Engineering for Automotive Electronics
COURSE WEBhttps://www.bosch.bg/our-company/bosch-in-bulgaria/ecs/
ACCESS INFORMATIONHybrid: at TUS and in company training
PROVIDER INSTITUTIONTechnical University of Sofia (TUS) and Bosch ECS
PROVIDER CONTACTname: Prof. Slavka Tzanova

email: Slavka.tzanova@tu-sofia.bg
TEACHERST1- Prof. Petar Yakimov
T2 – Experts from Bosch ECS
TYPE OF COURSE☒  Work-based training ☒ On-site training
DATES AVAILABILITY☒  Other (specify): during the Bosh academy 40 teaching hours (different months of the year)
WORKLOAD STUDENT (in hours) 80 learning hours
TYPE OF TRAINING☒  Work-based training ☒  Continuous VET
EQF LEVELS   ☒  EQF 6           ☒  EQF 7          
LANGUAGES☒  English ☒  Others (specify): Bulgarian
MAIN SUBJECT ☒  Fundamentals of microelectronics manufacturing         
COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis work-based course is teaching embedded system design and their use in Bosch applications for automotive electronics.
KEYWORDSK1- Embedded systems
K2- Test engineering
K3- Automotive electronics
LEARNING OBJECTIVESLO1-  Test methods and test techniques in electronics
LO2- Embedded Context
LO3- Automotive hardware configuration and defect
LO4- Design of test cases – test goals, test conditions, test expectations
LO5- Analysis of defects
LO6- Defects preventive mechanisms
PREREQUISITESP1- Basic knowledge of measurement in electronics
P2- Basics of electronics, components and circuits
P3- Electronic circuits design, analysis and simulation

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